Jumat, 02 November 2012

A Letter in November

Good afternoon my dear,
Wish you always in health and fine.

Today yogyakarta is cloudy, 
it seems will rain, but the water still stuck in the sky,
like tears which stuck in my eyes.

Alhamdullillah, my praises to god for always keeping us, 
giving loves and has brought us together. 
I'm fine here, and enjoying my rush, pain and fight. 
I hope you do too.
Actually so many stories I wanna tell, 
so many tears I wanna drop for you, and so much I need your shoulder. 
But you no need to worry, I'll keep being strong to through it all by my self, 
even though something in my deepest heart always telling me that she really miss you, 
and something in my mind also said that she couldn't stop for thinking of you, 
this breath complain too how heavy this life without you,
but belief, thrust, and faith were making them to be patient. 
I'm still here, not go anywhere.

I'm still wait, and I'm not affraid to be hurted,
cause I believe Allah has planned everything well,
and served for our best happy ending.

I still keep my promise, I still keep my best, 
and I still keep my pray for you on each of my bow
I know everything has passed, and we live in real, I know we can forget anything, 
but I always remember that you will never erased from this heart

Happy enjoying your works, 
keep being a good man, and always be humble.

My love always sent for you,



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