When I was in first semester, at the end of semester I have physical geology and Mineralogy, Crystalography Fieldtrip. The purpose of this fieldtrip is using the knowledge that we learn in class and laboratory to be aplied in field. There we practice using geological tools like compass, rock hammer, and loupe, and we also practice how to write fieldnote correctly and well.
The first we did when we arrived in stopside, we should plot the location we were in our map. To decide the position we could use GPS or by field orientation. After that we could observe what's going on the field with the objects are geomorphology, litology (petrology), geological structure, and engineering geology where were there
In this fieldtrip we have some stopside.
First Stopside (1st station) : Kali Progo (Progo River), in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta
Progo River, December 2009
Alluvial deposite of Progo River (Kali Progo), December, 2009
Second stopside, Mujil Hill, in Kulonprogo, still a part of Kulonprogo Plato
At street side of Kulonprogo, we were listening lecture by Mr. Salahudin
and practicing how to decide the position by field orientation
Mujil hill, an isolated hill which surrounded by Kulonprogo montains,
or commonly called as Kulonprogo Plato
Third stopside, nearby Mujil Hill
We were searching gypsum minerals, hematite, limonite,
and quatzz to described
Fourth stopside: in Sentolo, Kulonprogo
here is our face when we ere heating in the field, being tired,, pain, thirsty
and hungry, just dreaming the bed. The handsame one is my friend, Damar
Carbonate Sandstone in Sentolo, belong to Sentolo Formation
Ansori (front) and rochman (behind) show a boulder of Andesit rock
Fifth Stopside: in Wates, Kulonprogo
Lava andesit to be bedrock of stream, rich of pyroxene, colors gray rather to bright green
Quartz vein in lava andesite which associated with pyrite and gold
Tunnel of convention gold mining in wates, parallel to strike of quatz vein
Last stopside: at Gelagah Beach.
Here we learn about beach landscape, but we also can see sandbeach, a kind of dunes, the product of eolian.
Session photo after we have worked hard for today, since sunrise until sunset
sunset in Gelagah beach, Marlin (left) and Tigor (right) didn't wanna miss this moment
so they wanna me to take this picture. nice picture :)
The way to back home
Finally we were going to home, yeah that's all my first fieldtrip.. so tired, hungry, thirsty, full of pain and confusion. But guys,,because we through it together it felt happy and it's to be our fist experience working in field.